There’s no two ways about it. Typography can make or break a slide.
We’ve spoken before on this blog of the importance of getting the visuals right but don’t forget that visualizing text – i.e. thinking typographically, is just as crucial.
Here are a few tips that may prove to be useful reminders for your next presentation:
Say it big
With more and more presentations being made on small screens, you might assume font-size should also be smaller. Designers tell us the reverse. Keep it big, so that your audience does not have to enlarge on their side, and can simply take in the content.
Say it bold
And not only in terms of content and ideas! Bold typography is what you need for your headlines. Subheads can be bold too, but in a smaller font-size than the headlines. As for the final slide, we think it’s always a good idea to go bold with a crisp summation that you want your audience to take away.
Say it clear
Don’t cramp the supporting text! Leave enough white spaces between lines so it’s clear to read and comprehend.
Say it straightforward
Avoid the temptation to use those crazy-curly-cursive fonts! They are all very well for mugs and t-shirts but not for business presentations. This is one case where – if in doubt – you should go for the tried and tested, the classic fonts like Arial and Verdana.
Say it soothingly
By which we mean, think about the color-combinations! The words on the slides shouldn’t be jarring nor hard to read. Why not see our earlier blog post to understand why color counts and how to get it right.
Say it consistently
Don’t switch font sizes from page to page. If you’ve chosen 24 points for your headline in the opening slide, stay with that throughout.
And finally, say it with style and substance!