Can growth be a mindset?

Can growth be a mindset?

Reading Time: < 1 minuteWe think so! And so do thinkers on this topic – right here, a brain-pick for you this Monday! Relevant for all of us – in every field! Happy...


Reading Time: < 1 minuteWay back in January, we listed our picks of favorite design trends for 2021. As we head towards the wrap of this year, we thought we’d take a look at how some of those translated into concepts that are here to stay. The ones that...
Signpost language: the road to clearer presentations

Signpost language: the road to clearer presentations

Reading Time: < 1 minuteHave you ever been at the receiving end of presentations where the speaker hems and haws, erms and uhs? Nothing underlines uneasiness and hesitation more than these awkward “fillers”, these bumpy transitions from point to point...
Be a better presenter: 10 best practices

Be a better presenter: 10 best practices

Reading Time: < 1 minuteToday, we thought we’d share an illuminating guide on how to be a better virtual presenter. It’s from way back in 2016, but it’s still spot-on in 2021… and we love it for the way it distills the essentials into 10...