Welcome To Our Power Kitchen!
Give us the basic ingredients and raw data. We’ll transform them into the most mouth-watering dishes,
and serve you the best PowerPoint presentations on a platter!
Have a look at our range of options:

Powerpoint Formatting
High quality, affordable,
custom-branded presentation
formatting services.

Powerpoint Design
Built-to-order presentation
templates with a creative touch,
complete redesign of raw content.

Video Animation
Animations are increasingly
becoming a core tool in effective
communication. We’ll help convey
your message through
eye-catching motion design.
Our Experience Is Your Edge
No team has as much PowerPoint experience as our designers who have been trained by the
world’s best consultants from McKinsey & Co.
As experts, we never rest on our laurels – we know that each client comes with a unique set
of challenges, to which we apply our expertise to create a presentation that is a perfect
match for your needs, your brand, and your target audience.

We’ll Help You Tell Your Story – Better!
Any effective presentation is an exercise in good storytelling, designed to hold your target audience’s interest from start to finish.

We’ve perfected the fine art of crafting stories that impact fastest and linger longest.
By cutting away the clutter and cutting to the chase.
By creating simple narratives that are enjoyable to listen to.
By taking your audience from “what they already know” to “what you want them to know”.
By pitching each presentation at the right pace with the right cues.
By delivering a visual and conceptual journey that stands out from the crowd and sticks in the mind.
Bringing Your Message To Life
We tailor-make the most stunning PowerPoint presentations. After all, a great message is only as great as it looks.
We add style, passion, energy and intelligence to every presentation we design. In other words, our work is to add new life to your work, and in the bargain make your life that much simpler !

5 Reasons To Work With Us

Powerpoint Experts At Your Service
There’s power point and there’s PowerPoint! Our team has learnt PowerPoint designing from the best in the world. We understand that each presentation is a powerful point of opportunity. And we’ll help you make the most of it, through the most effective communication.

Deliver Anywhere Within 12-24 Hours
Our delivery is as express as our slides are expressive. We turnaround presentations in as little as 24 hours, so you can walk into your meeting fully-prepared to wow your client, without losing time, money or peace of mind.

Easily Modifiable
We’re the experts but you’re the boss. We make presentations in such a way that you can still make changes once you receive the file from us, giving you complete control of the slides.

Clear, Concise & Crisp
Our presentations are designed to cut through clutter. Sharp,smart and spot-on, we follow best practices from leading consulting firms such as McKinsey & Co.

Cheaper Than Your Favourite Dress !
We make it cost-effective so you can optimize your budgets. Our slide formatting services start from as low as $15/slide (including iterations), staying true to our promise of “Minimum Costs for Maximum Worth”.
Our Global Clients
902 Marathon Icon
Lower Parel West,
MUMBAI 400 013
+91 22 4004 8865 / 8864 / 8832
WhatsApp: +91 9769321161
69 Fifth Avenue, Suite 9J
New York, NY 10003
+1 212 463 0043