Power-Packed Pitch Decks: get up to speed with substance and style

Reading Time: < 1 minutes

Any guesses what AirBnB, Buzzfeed, and Canva might have in common?

They all raised huge amounts of money thanks to power-packed pitch decks!

AirBnB were able raise $20k in three months, Buzzfeed was able to raise over $240 million, and Canva raised $9 million with their respective investor pitch decks.

How did they do that? By grabbing attention, keeping it crisp, and telling it quick.

It seems potential investors are not willing to spend more than 3 minutes and 44 seconds on a pitch deck!

In other words, your deck needs to ensure the Three Esses – STYLE, SUBSTANCE and SPEED.

We picked out 3 entries from our Archives that dwell on these aspects:

C is for Color reiterates the simple principles by which visual language communicates business and brand style

Cracking the 2.4.8. Rule is a vivid-demo of how to cut away the inessentials from the text

And Pitching it Right directs you towards the kind of lateral thinking without which no stand-out-value is possible!